News 3


Refractories play a key role in the non-ferrous metals growing industry

Although Iron and steel industries still are the main refractories consumers, the growing developed by the non-ferrous metals producers in the last years has made an increase in the demand of refractories by this sector, constituting a strategic alliance between […]


The construction of prototype for Paval refining starts

The preindustrial prototype for Paval refining with a Refinal´s capacity of 500tpy has been started during the month of October, as it was expected in the project´s schedule. It has been estimated in 7 months the length of the construction, […]


LIFE-Bauxal II receives the follow up visit of NEEMO LIFE TEAM

On May 27th, in the facilites of Befesa Aluminio Valladolid, It was held the first follow up visit by Estibaliz Gabilondo, monitoring expert at NEEMO LIFE TEAM. During the journey, Befesa Aluminio and RSI, partners of the consortium, presented the […]


Kick-Off meeting in Brussels, 06/07 November 2018

Befesa Aluminio and RSI have been invited by the European Commission and Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) to participate in a kick-off meeting for projects supported by the 2017 LIFE programme. Eduardo Arenales and Roberto Caballero, representing […]