

Befesa is a service company specializing in the recycling of steel dust, salt slags and aluminium waste, as well as logistics and other related industrial services. Its environmental services are divided into two business units: steel dust recycling and aluminium salt slag recycling.

Befesa annually manages more than 1,300 thousand tonnes of waste, with a production of more than 600 thousand tonnes of new materials, which Befesa reintroduces in the market, reducing the consumption of natural resources.

Befesa Aluminium Salt Slags Recycling Services is divided in 3 separate but complimentary areas:
• Salt slag, Spent Pot Lining (SPL) and refractory lining recycling services.
• Secondary processing of aluminium scraps, drosses and other aluminium containing residues to produce custom aluminium alloys.
• Technology and specialized equipment sales.

Befesa Aluminio is supervising the LIFE BAUXAL II project, focusing its role in the construction of a pre-industrial facility for Paval refining, designed to achieve the production of 500 tpy of a refined secondary aluminium oxide: Refinal, alternative raw material to the mineral bauxite.

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